Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga, a.k.a. cancellation of debilitation.
Note: Not all cancellation of debilitation create Raja Yoga. Raja Yogas are created only when certain other conditions are fulfilled along with the following conditions as stated by Dr. BV Raman:
1) Lord of the sign occupied by a debilitated planet, placed in a Kendra (angle) from the Lagna or the Moon.
2) The planet which gets exalted in the sign where a planet is debilitated is in a Kendra from the Lagna or the Moon.
3) The lord of the exaltation sign of the debilitated planet is posited in a Kendra from the Lagna or the Moon.
4) A neecha planet exalted in the Navamsa.
5) A debilitated planet being aspected by another debilitated planet.
6) Lord of the Navamsa occupied by a debilitated planet in a Kendra (angle) or trikona (trine); the ascendant being a movable sign or the lord of the ascendant is in a movable Navamsa.
7) Lord of the Rasi where a planet is debilitated is in a trine from the Lagna or the Moon.
8) The planet that gets exalted in the sign where the planet is debilitated, is in a trine to the lord of the exaltation sign of the debilitated planet.
9) The lords of the debilitation and exaltation signs are in mutual kendras (angles).
10) A debilitated planet, aspected by the lord of the sign, situated in an auspicious house.
11) Lord of the Rasi in which a planet is debilitated or the lord of the planet’s exaltation sign, or the planet who gets exalted there is in a trine from the Lagna or the Moon.
The planet creating the cancellation should not own, be conjunct or aspected by the rulers of, the 3rd, 6th, 8th or 12th houses. Furthermore, the rulers of the houses where the Neecha Bhanga is taking place should be well placed and well aspected. If these requirements are not fulfilled then the Raja Yoga may not be complete, despite the fact that they may fulfill the rules stated by Dr.B.V. Raman.
Pandit Bhushan Sharma is the best astrologer in India and he has such lot of information relating to necromancy or kala jadu, vashikaran pooja or vashikaran tantra mantra, love spells then on.