Naturally a blending of the Sign influence and any planet in the Sixth House must be made in order to gauge the outcome from the standpoint of health and sickness. In addition to the Sixth House effects, the Sign that contains the Sun, and the one containing the Moon, will exert a direct effect even though the Sun and the Moon are not in the Sixth House. The Sign containing the planet that is the ruler of the Sign on the cusp of the Sixth House affords some added information. While studying these influences it must constantly be remembered that the Sun's position will show the physical strength whereas the Moon's position will influence the mental strength.
Sun in the Sixth House This is a good position for the Sun, as it will strengthen the vital forces and aid in the formation of defenses against illnesses. This position aids the native in his daily work and indicates ascension to a responsible position. There is a respect for authority, particularly where industrial and economic interests are involved. In regards to health, the nature of the Sixth House limits the vital forces of the Sun, but the Sun affords the native the power to be careful and to safeguard himself against the dangers of illness.
Moon in the Sixth House When the Moon is posited in the Sixth House the native will pay considerable personal attention to daily activities. His routine work will be of vital importance to him. If the native can take advantage of his natural capacities of personal ingenuity, tact and the ability to handle people, he will make substantial and rewarding progress in his work. However, if he does not take advantage of his natural talents, he will experience deterioration in his affairs. Much of the Moon's influence here will depend on the nature of the Sign on the Sixth House Cusp.
Mercury in the Sixth House The planet Mercury in the Sixth House increases the susceptibility to nervous disorders and to ailments caused by worry and anxiety or as a result of travel. The native will have to use extreme care in pursuit of his studies because of his tendency to overdo things. In relation to the native's work, it creates restlessness where the occupation proves to be of a very routine nature. It shows that there must always be a degree of variety for work to be done well and interest maintained. The position intensifies the power of discrimination and perception. It also gives the native a keen sense of criticism along with a psychological understanding of industrial and economic conditions.
Venus in the Sixth House When the planet Venus is in the Sixth House, although it is a helpful position in some ways, it can bring blood disorders, infections of the throat, ears, and kidneys. As far as work goes however, this position is mainly favorable. It brings cooperation and further progress as long as there is harmony with others in the sphere of the work. Routine and output will suffer if there is any discord present. The native will derive many benefits through feminine influence and the cooperation of the female population.
Mars in the Sixth House When Mars is posited in the Sixth House it exercises an exciting influence that may not be too good for health. It can show a liability to fevers, accidents, and danger associated with the work that is done. Although the position affords the native the capacity to work hard and is good for mechanical and kindred activities, it brings discord and friction. He will derive some degree of benefit through the masculine influence and the cooperation of men. Some financial loss is indicated by ill health or accident. It is not a good position for servants or employees, as it brings arguments and disputes with them, and at times, a degree of rebellion actually occurs.
Jupiter in the Sixth House When Jupiter is in the Sixth House it brings sizable amount of benefit in matters concerning health, work, and employees. This position assists the recuperative powers so far as health is concerned, although there are times when it can bring on conditions of ill health through unwise habits. From the viewpoint of work, it helps to bring varied benefits while it shows that servants or employees, or even ordinary business colleagues or employees will be willing to help and to work with the native for the general good. The underlying element of luck and protection will express itself in a very marked manner from time to time.
Saturn in the Sixth House When Saturn is in the Sixth House the position emphasizes the liability to colds, chills, accidents involving falling or things falling on the native. There is also a tendency toward industrial disease. It brings arduous conditions of work, many difficulties, worries and anxieties, even though it shows the efficiency and capacity to carry out duties and responsibilities. Saturn will tend to weaken the recuperative powers of the native, especially during the early part of life.