Saturn's position in a particular house of your natal
chart significantly alters the characteristics of that house. Saturn has a
powerful and life altering influence. Saturn influences make you work, take
care of your responsibilities, and fit into the society.
Saturn in the First House
The first house stands for the way in which an individual
projects personal energies onto others. This house is fundamental in defining
an individual's personality and Saturn's presence here is particularly
significant. Saturn in the first house people might have a stern exterior.
People may comment, "You look so different when you smile!" When you
smile the stern exterior drops. Saturn's presence in the first house can make
you more aware than others of right or wrong in a societal way. Responsibility
will be a major concern in your actions. Demands from people around you will
dominate your consciousness. You will probably find it extraordinarily
difficult to place yourself ahead of others. Guilt and anxiety might haunt you
over issues that others, without this influence, might not consider
significant. This misplaced guilt and anxiety may create false sentimentality
and attachment to surroundings to the point of neurosis. You are hard on
yourself. Self-assertion at work and home might be stressful. Develop awareness
about your guilt and anxiety attacks. Fight the guilt by thinking things
through by yourself or with someone you feel comfortable with. To avoid the
guilt and anxiety your best bet is to lay low and first let people around you
articulate and take what they want and need. Then take what you want. It's
rather important for Saturn first house people to have spouses and partners who
understand their self-assertion issue. An understanding spouse or partner will
go a long way towards making life pleasant.
Saturn in the Second House
Traditional astrology interprets Saturn's presence in the
second house to mean a lack of or difficulty in getting real world possessions
like money, cars, etc. Moving away from this fatalistic approach, we will try
to personalize the meaning of Saturn in the second house for an individual.
From a personality standpoint the second house reflects your attitude to real
world possessions. With Saturn in the second house, you might be unduly
pessimistic about your own ability to get possessions. Avoid the pessimism.
Then again, you might be overly cautious in the way you invest your finances.
I'll give you an example to illustrate this point. Saturn in the second house
people are more likely to invest their hard earned money in low risk treasury
bonds than in the higher risk stock market. This may be good or bad, depending
on how you look at it. Your investments will remain rock solid over the years,
but will not grow as much if you had been more of a risk-taker! Given this risk
aversion, isn't it easy to spot why past astrologers might have taken that as
an inability to gain wealth or possession? It's not so much an inability as
simply an attitude. Awareness of this attitude can be your strength.
Saturn in the Third House
The core meaning of the third house lies in the
unconscious operating of the mind in familiar surroundings. The third house
indicates the natural way you act and communicate with people. People might
include your siblings while growing up, co-workers, neighbors, the grocery
store clerk, and so on. You can review the way your mind works in these
circumstances. In that sense it's not unconscious. The comedy serial, Seinfeld,
explored the quirkiness in individual actions and communication in familiar
surroundings -- the little things that people do and say unconsciously that
make them what they are! Yes, the serial about "nothing" was funny.
Saturn in the third house may make you feel ill at ease while you go about
day-to-day life. You may come across as cold and reserved. You may be a
"man or woman of few words". This can turn some people off. You can
use this to your advantage by listening to people. That way you don't have to
do too much talking, yet people will love you for listening!
Saturn in the Fourth House
The fourth house indicates the way you relate to your
family, both as a child and adult. It indicates your attitude to giving and
receiving "mothering" or nurturing. Saturn in the fourth house can
limit the nurturing that you yourself are capable of. Your style of nurturing
may come across as slightly cold and impersonal. You might remember your
childhood as one that lacked warmth and affection. Saturn's influence adds a
sense of responsibility to fourth house functions. One might feel the need to
nurture more than most, perhaps to overcompensate for their own feelings of
being neglected. The truth is mothering and nurturing can be fun! Saturn might
take away that element of fun and make it a chore. Don't let that happen to
you. Recognize your style and make up your mind to enjoy yourself! In a broader
sense the fourth house extends to community, home town, and country. With
Saturn influences, you will choose to be quietly patriotic and loyal.
Saturn in the Fifth House
The fifth house is the house of play and self-expression.
Saturn's influences in this house compare in importance to those on the first
house. The fifth house is all about spontaneity. Saturn seriously impedes
spontaneity. You might be recognized as the "party pooper" or a bad
date. Don't let that happen to you! Individuals with Saturn in the fifth house
might find it difficult to "play" or do fun things. Saturnine guilt
and responsibility might make you search for a "good" reason to have
fun. All work and no play might stress you out to the point of neurosis.
Recognize that you don't always need a cause to relax and enjoy life. Better
still use this influence to your advantage. Get into an activity like raising
money for a charity. That way you have a cause and the fund-raising events can
be turned into fun occasions. While dating let your date lead you a little. If
your date happens to have a fifth house Saturn then you have nothing to worry
about. The two of you may hit it off discussing the ramifications of the ozone
layer depletion on your first date. If your date does not have Saturn in the
fifth then he or she might have other ideas about ways to have a good time!
Saturn in the Sixth House
Saturn is most comfortable in the sixth house. This house
rules your attitude to work, service, and your body. The sixth house is the
house of self-denial in the sense that you put off pleasing yourself. It
symbolizes activities that you pursue not to please yourself, as in the fifth
house, but for another purpose. Working to make a living is a good example.
This activity doesn't necessarily please you but you do it anyways from a sense
of responsibility. In that sense the sixth house is Saturnine. When Saturn
happens to be in the sixth house of your natal chart you may very well be a
workaholic. You may forget that you are working only to make a living. You may
fall into the trap of living to work! Avoid doing this. In any case, you will
have a strong sense of responsibility in your attitude to work and you will take
service to others rather seriously. You may be overly concerned about what you
feed yourself and spend time worrying about the food habits of your loved ones.
All the sixth house functions are over-emphasized -- a double whammy!
Saturn in the Seventh House
The seventh house rules partnerships and marriages. That
is, the seventh house reveals the way you relate to your closest friend/partner
or enemy. This house opposes the first. The first house signifies the way you
project your energies towards others, while the seventh house signifies the
energies you project onto others, and the energies you are looking for in a
close relationship. You can think of it as that part of your own energies you
want resonated or boomeranged from your partner. The seventh, Libra, and Venus
are all related. Venus rules relationships involving warmth and love. The
seventh house is not naturally connected to love. Successful marriages are a
combination of seventh house (partnership) and fifth house self-expression (love).
Saturn in the seventh house may mean a number of things. If we follow the
energy resonance line of thinking then you are probably drawn to saturnine
people. You may very well have fewer relationships. While in a relationship you
may feel weighed down by a sense of responsibility which may turn you off
relationships. Or, you may find it difficult to build bridges with someone
else. That may in turn keep you away from relationships. Don't let this happen
to you. Be aware of your predilection. Know that you might be the kind of
person who takes relationships more seriously than most. Be aware that your
sense of responsibility makes you a very good partner. Your partner benefits
from your attitude. Advertise yourself as someone who might not get into relationships
easily but when you do, they last forever.
Saturn in the Eighth House
Traditionally, the eighth house was recognized as the
house of death. Saturn in the eighth in a natal chart would mean a horrible
death. Modern day astrologers have moved away from that line of thinking. Today
we think of the eighth house as a house of resurrections. The eighth house
symbolizes transformations through growth and change. As an individual you
might need to re-invent yourself from time to time. The eighth house is
opposite the second house, which symbolizes your attitude to possessions. In
that sense the eighth house stands for your attitude to giving up relics of the
past, so you can grow and change. Saturn in the eighth house can be a powerful
influence. This influence will make you simply resist transformations, change
and growth. You will find it very difficult to accept changes in your life. Any
change will be stressful for you, bringing in anxiety and worry. Be aware of
this influence. Understand that change is something that you don't react to
well. Prepare for change. Take time to chart out a course or action plan
whenever change is imminent. Read a book on managing change in your life or at
work. Change, if managed well, can make your life richer and better.
Saturn in the Ninth House
The ninth house signifies ideas, philosophies, and
rationalizations of the conscious mind. It opposes the third house which
governs the unconscious mind. The ninth house therefore governs the functioning
of the higher mind -- those thought processes that define us as humans. Mind
expansion is a basic ninth house function. The ninth house signifies an
individual's personal philosophy of life, perception of the reality of life,
and reaction to new ideas. Saturn in the ninth house indicates a practical
minded individual. You are unlikely to take to flights of fantasy or fancy
ideas. You might even be closed to new ideas. Your thinking might be overly
closed and conservative. Don't close your mind! Be aware that while
practicality is a great quality, the world needs people to come up with new
ideas in order to move forward or even keep going. Don't dismiss ideas too
quickly and don't be threatened by them. Instead, adopt a constructive
attitude. Tell yourself and others that you can be practical in your thinking.
And, that is an asset. At the same time, encourage people around you to think
and act out their ideas and philosophies. You can be close-minded and mean, or
the sane anchor of practicality for the creativity around you. The choice is
Saturn in the Tenth House
While the sixth house rules work, the tenth house rules
the work that you identify with. In the context of home and family, the tenth
house signifies your attitude while playing the "fathering" role.
Saturn in the tenth house makes you take your "fathering"
responsibilities seriously. You will be concerned with the development and
growth of your child in real world terms. At work you may have the desire to
lead or guide co-workers. In any case, you will take your career or chosen
profession more seriously than most. Both at work and home, your teaching or
leadership style will be based on practical aspects of life. You are acutely
aware (more so than most) of your place and "role" in society. You
may feel like you are under a magnifying glass, so to speak, when it comes to
the path you choose to take in your career or in the roles you take on.
Defensiveness and self-consciousness about your importance in the material
world can result. A rather conservative approach to life is often adopted,
which may or may not conflict with your more personal aspirations. You will
shoulder immense responsibilities with ease. This might not always work for
you. Take care not to take on too much at a time. If you feel overloaded with
responsibilities - delegate some!
Saturn in the Eleventh House
One-to-one relationships are a seventh house function.
The eleventh house is best understood as one that governs an individual's
one-to-many relationships. This implies your relationship with friends,
extended family, and the organization you work for, and so on. Saturn in the
eleventh house therefore works much in the same way as in the seventh (read
Saturn in the seventh), except that the nature of the relationships are
different. You may find socializing tiresome and prefer to stay alone. Many
people with this position feel some disdain for the superficial workings of
casual friendships and of the group -- that is, they feel uncomfortable and
self-conscious about "going through the motions", doing and saying
the right things, and so forth. At the root of this perception, there may be a
fear of failure in a group setting. It may be easier to fall back on, and take
too much pride in, your uniqueness as an individual rather than submit to the
idea that you belong and identify with a group. It can be a fear of being
"ordinary" or just part of the crowd that prevents you from loosening
up in social situations. The fact that you take friendships more seriously than
most can give you a heavy sense of responsibility and reluctance to form ties,
as if you somehow sense that forming them will burden or obligate you too much.
Staying alone might seem to be a better use of your time. Watch out for this. A
deep-seated feeling of loneliness and separateness may be the result. Take time
to personalize your social interactions. Since you find group activity
uncomfortable, develop a few good friends to hang out with. You have a greater
capacity than most to be a loyal and long-standing friend! Beyond friendships
and groups, the eleventh house is associated with our long-term goals, hopes,
and dreams. Saturn here can make you just as reluctant to commit to any one
life path, and to articulate or define your innermost wishes, as you are to
attach yourself to a group identity. It is as if doing so would be too binding
and revealing. When you learn to identify and overcome your fear of failure,
you will discover that this fear has been the only thing holding you back from
defining and working towards your dreams.
Saturn in the Twelfth House
Each planet in the twelfth house represents energies that
an individual may be denying even exists. Saturn in this house could mean an
early life setback which prompts you to push the realities of life into the
unconscious. People with this position of Saturn often are plagued with guilt
and it is difficult for them to know where the guilt is coming from, or even to
define their anxieties. Fear of the unknown and of being overwhelmed or
controlled by emotions may be the source of your general anxiety in life. It
can be difficult for you to submit to the idea that you may need help from
others, preferring instead to withdraw and handle your problems in solitude.
The idea of exposing your innermost feelings makes you feel painfully
vulnerable and dependent on others. A deep-seated feeling of loneliness and
separateness can be the result. While self-control seems to be the most
attractive route for you, you might find that letting others inside you, even
in little ways, will help you overcome many of the vague feelings of guilt,
self-doubt, and anxiety that prevent you from enjoying life in a free and
natural manner. Learning to embrace your sorrow, free from guilt, is the first
step towards true self-acceptance. You may be an escapist from life itself.
Address your escapism. Question yourself, or talk things through with an alter
ego. Make sure that you understand the demands of the real world, as well as
its joys and pleasures. This will help you lead a more fulfilling and rich