Saturday, June 22, 2013

Sun's Placement - Moon as Lagna

  1. Sun if along with moon , one will live outside his birth place and will fight with his family members and will be given to pleasures .
  2. Sun in second to moon will be successful person , will have many assistants and will be liked by superiors and appreciated and awarded for work .
  3. Sun in 3rd one will be endowed with precious stones and have gold in house will be rich and kingly
  4. Sun in 4th will be inimical to mother and mother will suffer on acoount his birth , will be devoid of respect towards mother
  5. Sun in 5th one will have sons but will yearn for girl child
  6. Sun in 6th one will win over enemies and will engage in war
  7. Sun in 7th from moon one will have good natured wife very beautiful and native will also be very good natured and kingly in disposition , honoured by kings .
  8. Sun in 8th one will always have troubles in life and also be troubled with diseases
  9. Sun in 9th one will be religious , truthful and will have difference of opinion with relatives
  10. Sun in 10th , one will be highly respected , very wise and important person in his family famous and head of his race .
  11. Sun in 11th one will gain from many business and become rich
  12. Sun in 12th from moon one will have tremondous expenses and will have diseases of eyes .

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Ketu in 5th house

Some conclusions and observations are being given to help readers understand the case studies being presented.
The book "The Mystery of Ketu in a horoscope" is being patterned on the model of the Mystery of Rahu in a horoscope".

1. Ketu in the 5th house denotes unorthodoxy which gets reflected in unorthodox marriage of the person concerned or one of his children, generally.

2. It is in accordance with the accepted classical principles as the 5th house represents both tradition and progeny. Many horoscopes can be seen with Ketu in the 5th house of persons whose children have had unorthodox marriages from the Indian point of view. In the caste-conscious Hindu community where we have also regional considerations, Ketu in the 5th house has to show a departure from traditions.

3. On the negative side of Ketu,Vedic Astrology, KN Rao, Vedic Astrology, Journal of Astrology, Hindu, Jyotish, Rahu, Ketu, Shani, Horoscopes, Kundali point observed was,Vedic Astrology, KN Rao, Vedic Astrology, Journal of Astrology, Hindu, Jyotish, Rahu, Ketu, Shani, Horoscopes, Kundali tendency to have extra-marital relations. It is doubtful whether now, when permissiveness has become quite widespread, such a point can be stressed.

4. An extension of permisiveness in modern world is living together, without marrying which is a common feature of Western life.

5. Professionally, Ketu in the 5th favours medical career. It can be extended to one’s children one of whom may become a doctor.

6. Ketu in the 5th gives more daughters than sons.Or the death of a child, particularly of a male child, seems to a very common occurence.

7. Debilitated Ketu in the 5th house seems to be generally good both for marriage and the birth of male children.

8. Eldest or youngest? Some points which should be tested deeply are based on the observations I had made in my book the Mystery of Rahu. Like Jupiter in the 11th house which can make one the first or the eldest child of the parents or in its sex, Rahu also does that. There is, however,Vedic Astrology, KN Rao, Vedic Astrology, Journal of Astrology, Hindu, Jyotish, Rahu, Ketu, Shani, Horoscopes, Kundali difference. Rahu can give also the position of the youngest of the siblings or the youngest in its own sex. When Rahu is in the 11th house, Ketu will be in the 5th house.

9. Nature of Education: Ketu in the 5th can give technical, semi-technical education. In the house of a benefic like Mercury, Jupiter or Venus, it can give an inclination towards fine arts, literature etc. Traditionally, Ketu in this position has been favoured for medical education.

10. Sex of children: Ketu in the 5th has not been favoured as far as children are concerned. In determining the sex of the child, Ketu inclines, it seems, to favour the birth of female children more.


In Hindu astrology the art of synthesis needs stressing and not taking the literal interpretation of a single combination.
It is to be done in two ways:

The horoscope as a whole should be examined and the synthesis done.

Then the divisional horoscopes should be examined along with the birth horoscope for total synthesis. It then becomes necessary not to work on wrong divisional horoscopes.

The observations given here are the result of examination of many horoscope. They should not be treated as dogmas. They should be taken as dependable guiding principles.

In the first part, effects of Ketu in 5th house alone are being shown through different horoscope. In the parts to follow, since a series on Ketu has been planned for the Journal, many other aspects of Ketu in different houses will be covered. This is a research, an exploration. It should be remembered that no one, except God can utter the final world on any aspect of human knowledge, particularly astrology.

The paper must conclude with the observation that a good Ketu in the 5th aspected by a benefic, the 5th lord or even a benefic can give extraordinary powers of intuition. I am reproducing some parts from the article of K.N. Rao, in one of the coming issues on Gajakesari Yoga, where he writes about his jyotisha guru.

Astrology & Eye Problem

Eyes are the best gift of our life and play a major role in our life. Our eyes works as the most sophisticated
Astrological factors influencing eyesight:
2nd/12th house: the 2nd and 12th signs of the zodiac rule over the right and left eye respectively.
Sun/Moon: Sun governs the right eye and the Moon governs the left eye.
Venus/Jupiter: Venus governs the second sign Taurus and Jupiter governs the 12th sign Pisces. Therefore if Jupiter and Venus are placed in 6th/8th/12th house along with the lord of ascendant may cause eye problems.
Mercury: governs the sight and optic nerves.
Astro analysing different eye diseases:
Optic atrophy:
  • Damage of optic nerves by agencies outside the eyes like syphilitic infection, increased intracranial pressure arising from the brain tumour, drug or chemical allergies, degeneration of optic nerves may cause optic atrophy.
  • Affliction of Sun and Moon on 2nd and 12th house and Mercury in heavy affliction in the chart may cause optic atrophy to the native.
  • This is a serious eye disease caused by increase or sudden pressure exerted by eye fluid against other parts. If this pressure is not relieved it will make the eye ball hard, damage retina and optic nerves and may also cause blindness.
  • Sun and Moon afflicted in 2nd/12th house by Saturn/Rahu the native may suffer from glaucoma.
  • The eyes can focus on near objects but vision at distance is blurred. It is also known as nearsightedness.
  • Afflicted Sun and Moon can give problem of Myopia.
Colour blindness:
  • The patient becomes unable to distinguish between red and green colour.
  • The Venus is in heavy affliction especially by Saturn and sign Taurus is also in heavy affliction may cause colour blindness to the native.
  • Due to clouding or crystalline of lenses of eye or its capsule the victim cannot see normal objects properly due to lost opacity of eye lenses.
  • Venus / Jupiter placed in 6th/8th/12th house in association of lord of ascendant and Sun and Moon are afflicted in 2nd/12th house.
  • Afflicted Mercury posited in 2nd/12th house may produce Cataract problem.
Squinted eyes/Boss eyed:
  • In this condition the eyes are not properly aligned to each other.
  • Native born in day time and Moon and Mars combined in 8th house indicated crossed eyes.
  • Moon/ Mars posited in ascendant and aspected by Jupiter/Venus indicates squinted eyes.
  • Mars placed in 7th house aspecting Moon being posited in Leo sign and lord of 9th placed in Aries/Leo/Scorpio/Capricorn squinted eyes is indicated.
  • Mars placed in 7th, aspecting Sun being placed in Cancer sign and Lord of 9th placed in Aries/Leo/Scorpio/Capricorn indicate a boss eyed native.
  • Moon and Sun placed in 2nd/12th house indicate definite crossed eyes disorder.
  • Sun and Moon combined with retro planets in 6th/12th house indicates squinted eye.
Problem in only one eye:
  • Any malefic placed in 6th house gives weakness to left eye and any malefic placed in 8th house gives right eye trouble.
  • Moon placed in 2nd and Sun placed in 12th house respectively gives problems of left and right eyes.
  • Mars placed in 12th house gives left eye problem whether as Saturn posited in 12th house gives right eye problem.
  • Sun placed in ascendant/7th house and aspected by Saturn the native will gradually lose the vision of right eye.
  • Sun combined with Rahu/Mars in ascendant/7th house aspected by Saturn indicate disease of left eye.
  • Moon Posited in Leo ascendant and aspected by Saturn and Mars the native will have diseased left eye.
  • Sun and Saturn combined in 9th house and without having any benefice influences indicate the native will have left crossed eye and Sun placed in Leo ascendant and aspected by Saturn and Mars indicates squinted right eye.
  • Sun/Moon placed 12 and 6th house indicated left eye problem.
  • Sun/Moon placed in 2nd and 8th house indicates squinted right eye.
  • Due to infection, accident or degenerative eye diseases the native may lose total vision temporary or permanently.
  • Sun and Moon afflicted by Saturn in 2nd/12th house and affliction to signs Taurus and Pisces may give blindness.
  • 2nd house is aspected by Saturn and Moon and 12th house have conjunction of Saturn and aspects of Mars the native will be completely blind.
  • Sun and Moon and 2nd and 12th houses become subject to the aspects /association of Mars and Saturn the native may lose his eye sight.
  • Mars, Moon, Saturn and Sun should respectively occupy the 2nd, 6th, 12th and 8th house. The native will be stone blind.
  • Lords of ascendant, 2nd, 5th, 7th and 9th placed together in 6th/8th/12th house may give stone blindness to the native.
  • In Leo ascendant Sun and Moon combined in ascendant and aspected by Saturn and Mars indicates the native will be stone blind from birth but if the combination is aspected either by Saturn or by Mars than the native will become blind after birth.
  • Sun and Rahu combined in ascendant and Saturn and Mars disposed in trine may cause blindness.
  • Sun and lord of ascendant combined in 2nd/6th/8th/12th house the native will be blind from the birth.
  • Mars in 2nd and Sun in 8th house may give blindness.
  • Moon in 6th and Saturn in 12th house may also impair eye sight.
  • Saturn, Mars and Moon placed in 6th/8th/12th house indicates blindness.
  • Mars is the lord of 2nd, Sun and Moon placed in 8th house and Saturn situated in 6th/8th/12th house blindness is indicated.
  • Lords of 2nd and 12th combined with Venus and lord of ascendant in 6th/8th/12th house indicates lost eye sight.
  • Moon posited in 6th/8th/12th house and Saturn and Mars combined in any house shows lost eyesight.
  • From ascendant Moon placed in 6th, Sun placed in 8th, Mars placed in 2nd and Saturn placed in 12th house indicates the surety of losing eyesight for the native.
Eye twitching/flickering:
  • Involuntary eye muscles contraction causes eyelid to flicker.
  • Any malefic planet placed in 2nd house is also influenced by any benefice planet indicates flickering of eye.
  • Moon/Sun placed in Leo ascendant and aspected by malefic and benefice planets indicates eye flickering.
Night blindness:
  • The native is unable to see in night or in dim light.
  • Lord of 2nd combined with Venus and Moon in ascendant may cause night blindness.
  • Venus and Mars combined in 7th house and aspected by malefic may cause night blindness.
General eye problems:
  • Venus posited in ascendant/8th house and aspected by malefic planet indicates constant tears will roll from the eyes.
  • Lord of 2nd is associated or aspected by Sun and Mars indicates redness of eyes.
  • Rahu placed in 5th house aspected by Sun indicates eye problems.
  • Saturn posited in 4th house aspected by malefic indicates eye problems.
  • Mars and Rahu combined in ascendant indicate eye problems.
  • Debilitated Moon posited in 6th/12 house and aspected by malefic
  • Moon is places 2nd to Sun in horoscope and combined with malefic.
  • Moon placed in 10th aspected by malefic without having any benefice aspects may cause eye problems.
  • Malefic planets placed in 4th and 5th house and Moon posited in 6th/8th/12th house indicate eye trouble.
  • Sun is in opposition either to ascendant or to Mars gives impaired eyesight.
  • Sun and Moon combined in Cancer/Leo and aspected by Mars and Saturn indicate weak eyes.
  • Mon and Sun combined in 9th house indicates eye disorder.
  • Mars placed 2nd to Sun indicate eye problems and if Mercury placed 2nd to Sun indicates some mark on the Eye.

Astrology - Who will become rich ?

Below relations in horoscope makes a rich person.

Relation between Ascendant and 11th lords, either by combination or by aspects. This is called ‘Lakshmi Yoga’ by Indian astrologers, which is a symbol of a rich man.
Relation between 5th and 9th lords. If they are strong and in benefic places the person will be more wealthy.
Relation between 2nd lord and 11th lord by way of aspects or combination. If they are placed in quadrants or trines or in exaltation, the person will be equal to ‘Kubera’, the god of wealth.
Relation between 5th , 9th and 11th lords or bhavas.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Yogas for Love Marriage

Horoscope of one person can predict whether that person will have love marriage or arrange marriage. Following conditions shows chances of love marriage in horoscope:
  • Exchange between 7th lord and 5th lord.
  • Exchange between 12th lord and 2nd lord.
  • Combination or aspects between 7th lord and ascendant lord.
  • Combination of 2nd lord and 12th lord in 2nd, 5th or 12th house.
  • Combination between 2nd lord, 5th lord, 7th lord and 12th lord.
  • Combination of ascendant lord with 7th lord, 5th lord, 2nd lord and 12th lord.
  • If Moon is associated with ascendant lord in ascendant or with 7th lord in 7th house.
  • If there is Sagittarius or Pisces sign in 9th house and Rahu or Saturn has aspect at 7th house, 9th house and Jupiter.
  • If ascendant lord, 7th lord and 5th lord are evil planet naturally of have relation with 8th house.
  • If Venus posited in 5th or 9th house, according to ascendant or Moon sign.
  • Placement of Rahu in ascendant may be the Yoga of Love marriage, if Jupiter has no relation with 7th house.
  • Jupiter and Venus is the main ruling (KARAKA) planet of marriage and married life. So these both planets play an important role in Love marriage. If Jupiter in female chart and Venus in Male chart are in evil effect, then the chances of love marriage goes to strong.
  • Aspect of Rahu on the seventh lord, saturn or venus increases chances of love marriage.
  • Combination of Rahu and Mars in 7th house is also a signification of love marriage.
  • If the 7th lord combined with Mars and Rahu in Taurus or Libra sign then the possibilities of love marriage goes to strong.
  • If the 2nd lord and 2nd house has relation with Mars according to ascendant, Moon sign and Sun sign, then the native get love marriage.
  • Combination of fifth and the seventh house and mutual aspect or sign exchange causes love marriage.
  • Association of Venus with Jupiter or Mercury in KENDRA or TRIKONA creates the yoga of Love marriage.
  • If 2nd house is in evil effect, Venus is associated with Saturn or Rahu and 7th lord is related with Venus, Moon & ascendant then the possibilities of love marriage goes to strong. If 7th lord posited in 7th house, then 7th house goes to strong and possibilities of love marriage goes to strong.
  • When Saturn or Ketu are in the seventh house the chances for love marriage increase.
The presence of such Yoga, in one’s chart increases chances of Love Marriage. The more strong the planets forming such yoga, greater the chances of Love Marriage.